Activist legal resources online

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Australian law journals on-line The Australian Law Journal High Court Review
Australian law reform bodies Council of Australian and New Zealand Law Reform Agencies Australian Law Reform Commission Victorian Law Reform Committee
Australian lawyers & law associations National Association of Community Legal Centres Australian Bar Association Australian Lawyers Alliance Law Council of Australia Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory Law Society of New South Wales New South Wales Law Foundation Victoria Law Foundation Law Society of Western Australia 
Australian legal resources and directories Australian Legal Information Institute (AUSTLII) ComLaw (Commonwealth Law) incorporating the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments (FRLI) FindLaw Australia Foundation Law (sponsored by NSW Law Foundation) LawRunner Australia Legal Resources and Links (Law Society of NSW) National Library of Australia – Australian Law on the Internet
Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) The EDO produces a range of plain English Fact Sheets to explain different aspects of New South Wales and Commonwealth laws which affect the environment and environmental campaigning. You can browse the Fact Sheets by alphabetical order or search our website for information you need. 
Environmental protestors fact sheet The Environment Defenders Office Victoria has developed a number of fact sheets and kits including Environmental protestors fact sheet which is a resource for activists who are harassed because of their campaign activities. The resource materials may assist you and your group in understanding, preventing or responding to harassment.
Responding to legal threats ABC All-Media Law Handbook: for Journalists, Presenters, Program Makers, Authors, Editors and Publishers (Sydney: Australian Broadcasting Corporation). Safe speech and managing the media, B. Donald, paper delivered to EDO Conference “Defending the Defenders”, October 1998. For a useful set of guides and factsheets regarding defamation and legal threats go to the Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) A Bush Lawyer’s Guide to Avoiding & Surviving Litigation against Public Participation by Dr. Greg Ogle. This is a useful guide based on the experiences of activists in South Australia who received legal threats during the Hindmarsh Island Bridge Campaign. Slapping on the Writs: Defamation, Developers and Community Activism is a highly recommended 95-page book by Melbourne Senior Counsel, Brian Walters. Published by University of NSW Press in 2003.
Victorian Parliament of Victoria Victorian Government Supreme Court of Victoria (including unreported judgments) Magistrates Court of Victoria County Court of Victoria (including judgments) Victorian Statute Book Victorian Acts and Statutory Rules Victorian Consolidated Acts Victorian Hansard Supreme Court of Victoria Decisions Victorian Administrative Appeals Tribunal Decisions Department of Justice
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