Activist legal support in Victoria

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Aboriginal Legal Service The Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service Co-operative Limited provides legal advice and representation for the Koorie community. Melbourne Office
273 High Street, Preston
PO Box 52, Preston VIC 3072 (03) 9418 5999 (24 hours)
1800 064 865 (toll free)
Environmental Justice Australia Environmental Justice Australia are nature’s lawyers. They use the law to protect our environment, and work to change laws to make sure they protect the right of all Australians to clean air, clean water and healthy ecosystems. Level 3, The 60L Green Building
60 Leicester Street, Carlton  (PO Box 12123)
A’Beckett Street, VIC 8006 (03) 9328 4811 [email protected]
Melbourne Activist Legal Support (MALS) provides activist legal information and resources, Legal Observer trainings, and training sessions on setting up a legal support team in your group.
Visit or email [email protected]
Federation of Community Legal Centres Many of the 49 Victorian community legal centres can undertake representation or give advice to citizens in criminal matters.
They are also useful sources for referrals to sympathetic lawyers; bear in mind that their resources are limited.
For a full list of community legal centres in Victoria go to: Level 3, 225 Bourke Street
Melbourne, 3000 (03) 9652 1500 [email protected]
Justice Connect Justice Connect is an independent not for profit legal referral service. It seeks to meet the legal needs of community groups, not for profit organisations and individuals from disadvantaged or marginalised backgrounds. PILCH acts as a facilitator for the community to access pro bono legal assistance from the private legal profession. 7/461 Bourke Street
Melbourne 3000 (03) 8636 4400 (general)
(03) 8636 4444 (legal inquiries) (03) 8636 4455 [email protected]
Lawyers for Forests The best source of legal information and legal support for Forest Activists in Victoria is the organisation Lawyers for Forests, an association of legal professionals working to promote the conservation and better management of Australia’s remaining native forests. Lawyers for Forests provide information to conservationists on their rights and responsibilities when taking part in a protest and free legal advice and representation where needed after the event. PO Box 550
West Melbourne 8007 [email protected] 
Victoria Legal Aid There are a number of Melbourne suburban as well as regional Victorian Offices of Victoria Legal Aid, they are all listed here: 350 Queen St
Melbourne, 3000 Ph: 1300 792 387 Monday to Friday, 8.45am-5.15pm
Women’s Legal Service Victoria Women’s Legal Service Victoria (WLSV) is a statewide legal service for women, specialising in relationship breakdown and violence against women. Level 10, 277 William Street
Melbourne 3000 (03) 8622 0600
1800 133 302 (toll free)
[email protected]

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Activist legal support in Victoria

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