Carrying a weapon
Under the Control of Weapons Act 1990 there are severe restrictions and penalties for carrying weapons.
What is a ‘weapon’?
When you think of a weapon, you might think of a knife or a gun.
In Victoria, a ‘weapon’ is any thing that can be used, and is intended to be used, as a weapon. It also includes things that have been modified to be used as weapons.
This means that common objects like sticks, bottles, and rocks are weapons if you intend to use them as weapons.
If you’re using it as a weapon, then it’s a weapon.
At protests, police have been known to charge activists carrying banners or props for street theatre with possession of a “controlled” or “prohibited” weapon.
Carrying knives for work
Carrying knives is almost completely outlawed. It is not lawful to carry a knife for the purpose of self-defence.
If you need to carry knives for work (for example: you work in a kitchen), you should get a letter from your work. You should also make sure that the knives are properly packed and stored securely in your bag.
If you want to avoid potential hassles with police, you should leave work knives at home or at work before going to a protest.
Carrying knives for safety reasons
People on boats and doing high-ropes work usually have to carry a knife for safety reasons. If you are arrested you should inform police that you have a safety knife on you and where it is located.
Weapons that are always illegal
There are some items that are only weapons. These are always prohibited.
These include flick knives, daggers, butterfly-knives, knuckle dusters, imitations guns, and unlicensed guns.
It is illegal to make, sell, purchase, carry, or use these things in Victoria.