Impact of counter-terrorism laws

Estimated reading: 1 minute 233 views

An overview of the Government’s approach to the counter terrorism law is found on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade webpage on counter terrorism.

After the 9/11 attacks in the United States of America, governments throughout the “west” implemented a huge range of measures to protect against future terrorist attacks.

Some of these measures are directed specifically against such attacks, but many are not and they directly affect the fundamental rights of the people living in these countries.

Though written in 2007, the articles below may be some use to readers.

You can also get more information here:

  • For more information about the powers of ASIO officers, go to What if ASIO visit.
  • ASIO, the Police and You is an online handbook of special relevance to the Muslim community published by The Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advocacy Network (AMCRAN).

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Impact of counter-terrorism laws

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