Responding to legal threats

Estimated reading: 1 minute 202 views

There are a series of steps activist groups can take to deter or respond to legal threats and SLAPP suits.

For detailed information:

Download a copy of “How to Face Legal Threats: A Resource Kit for Activists” which can be found at Environment Defenders Office Victoria.

The Communications Law Centre (CLC) is an independent, non-profit, public interest organisation specialising in media, communications and online law and policy. The centre conducts research, teaching, public education and legal advice.

Another useful guide is Be Careful – Not Silent: A Bush Lawyer’s Guide to Avoiding and Surviving Defamation Claims A Guide for Community Political Activists by Dr Greg Ogle.

One of the best websites for support and information is the Suppression of Dissent site. This site contains an interesting article on Defamation and Free Speech.

Get a copy of the ABC Media Handbook (from your local ABC Store). This is the best, most easily understandable guide to defamation law.

The Parliament Of Australia website has a detailed list of Communications Law.

Go to Issues for activist groups (legal structures) for information about how best to structure your organisation.

Also see Case Study – The Gunns 20

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Responding to legal threats

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