
Estimated reading: 2 minutes 314 views

This approach involves the police maintaining a watchful presence, monitoring people, and allowing the protest to continue without intervention.

Often police will even assist or facilitate a march or rally by managing traffic – like they would for a parade or other public event.

Police may even negotiate with third parties affected by the protest to let the protest happen. Or they may prevent third-parties or counter protestors from intercepting and disrupting the protest.

The policing of the Melbourne mass anti-war rallies in 2003 is a good example of this type of policing.

At small actions, even ones that involve potentially unlawful actions, police may decide it is easier to stand by and watch than to intervene.
This depends on the length of the protest, the level of disruption to others, the protest issue or groups involved, police resources, and the political climate surrounding the action.

It is often the case that accommodation/ facilitation is easier than heavier policing and will avoid escalating conflict. Accommodation recognises that police intervention can have a destabilising effect and lead to disorder at an otherwise peaceful protest.

Sometimes police will maintain a low-key visible presence but have a larger contingent of police or police horses out of sight nearby or mobilised at stations, ready for deployment.
It is useful to take note of the level of visible and hidden police (police stationed in nearby alley ways or on adjacent streets) as the situation and the police approach can change quickly.

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