Being charged

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When you are charged (either at the station or later by summons), the charge sheets will state:

  • The alleged offence,
  • The act or legislation name and section under which you have been charged,
  • Your name, address and date of birth
  • The name, rank and station of the police informant laying the charges, and
  • What court you have to attend and on what date.

The first thing you should do after being charged is to contact your Legal Support Team or a lawyer.

Once you have retained a lawyer, that lawyer will request the ‘brief of evidence’ from the police. 

This brief of evidence should contain all the witness statements, photographs, forensic tests and samples, exhibits, telephone intercepts, videos and any other evidence the police intend to rely on to prove the charge against you.

If you don’t have a lawyer, you should request this brief of evidence directly from the police informant yourself.

See Approaching the court for legal information about dealing with a court appearance.

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Being charged

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