Name and address

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Under section 456AA of the Crimes Act1958 (Vic) the police can ask for your name and address if they believe that you:

  • Have broken the law
  • Are about the break the law
  • Are able to assist them with information about an indictable offence

If the police demand your name and address they MUST give you reasons for doing so. You should ask for these reasons.

The police must also tell you their name, identification number, police station and rank. You should always ask for this information and ask that it be provided in writing.

The police may also demand your name and address without giving a reason if you:

  • Are driving a car, motor bike, boat or push bike
  • Are on public transport or public transport property (public transport officers can also ask for your name and address)
  • Are in a hotel or licensed premises

It is an offence with a maximum penalty of a fine of $500 to refuse to give your name and address or to give false details to police, public transport officers and authorised National Parks officers.

If you give a false name and address when arrested and taken into custody, it may increase the time you are held for questioning and verification of your identification, and also affect whether you are granted bail.

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